Community Cats

What is TNR?
TNR, or trap-neuter-return, is a critical and humane method for managing outdoor cat populations. It involves trapping, spaying or neutering, and vaccinating cats before releasing them back into their original area. Cats are marked with an ear-tip to indicate they’ve undergone TNR, reducing future stress. Long-term care is provided by dedicated caregivers for these cat colonies.
TNR helps local communities as it reduces nuisance behaviors associated with mating such as fighting, yowling, and spraying urine. TNR also provides outdoor cats with veterinary care, food and water so outdoor cats will likely look healthier than before TNR. Cats also help communities control their rodent populations.
How to Trap
- Place the trap where the cat normally feeds without setting it initially to allow the cat to get accustomed to it.
- Choose a secluded and safe location for the trap, as cats are more likely to enter in such areas.
- Use bait such as sardines, tuna, or smelly canned cat food placed on a plastic lid or small paper plate. Avoid using cans directly to prevent harm to the cat. Leave a bit of food outside the trap to attract the cat.
- Ensure traps are properly set and never place them where a trapped cat might be exposed to extreme weather or unsafe conditions. Cover the trap with fabric or plastic in case of rain or snow.
- Cats usually stay in trap for 24 hours without jeopardy to their health
Local TNR Organizations
If you need help with TNR, reach out to the organizations below. There are so few organizations doing so much valuable TNR work, so they may require follow-up emails or a little time to respond.
- Rock Creek Cats (DC)
- MCC3 (Montgomery)
- Alley Cat Allies (Montgomery)
- A Cat’s Life Rescue (Prince George’s)
- Prince George’s Feral Friends
- PG Community Cat Alliance
Note: LOVEPAWS is part of the PG Cat Alliance because we provide assistance to caretakers with food from our pet pantry, spay/neuter subsidies and help facilitate S/N appts at local low-cost clinics. We are not a TNR organization and are unfortunately unable to assist with trapping efforts.
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics
If you need to schedule a low-cost spay/neuter appointment for a community cat or borrow a trap in PG County, contact the PGSPCA.
Other low-cost spay/neuter clinics in or near the county:
- Bowie Spay & Neuter (301-825-9842)
- Spay Now Laurel (301-483-7080)
- Spay Spa & Neuter Nook (443-607-6496)
- Spay Spot (301-254-8151)
- Animal Birth Control (410-729-434
Outdoor Cat Shelters
Shelters for community cats are so important to keep them protected from the elements and extreme weather. If you’re in need of a cat shelter, please reach out to us at if you’re in Prince George’s or Montgomery County. MCC3 also provides cat shelters in the fall for cats in Montgomery County. Rock Creek Cats provides cat shelters for cats in DC. See links to their websites above.
If you want to help us build cat shelters as an individual, a Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts Troop, a school group, church group, or any other group, please email us at We provide validation of service hours upon request.